Keynsham Methodist Church

Tel: 0117 914 9408
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Please click on Title or thumbnail below to view videos.

KMC Sunday Worship at Queens Road 23.10.22

Outward looking discipleship. Ms Pat Heynes

KMC Sunday Worship at Victoria 16.10.2022

Morning Service celebrating KMC involvement in Keynsham & Saltford Eco Festival. Rev John Hayes

KMC Sunday Worship at Queens Road 09.10.22

Faith, Thankfulness and Praise in a loud voice! Rev David Winstanley.

KMC Sunday Worship at Victoria 02.10.2022

By the Rivers of Babylon - Rev John Hayes

KMC Sunday Worship at Queens Road 25.09.22

A Service for Harvest in Climate Emergency. Rev John Hayes.

KMC Sunday Worship at Victoria 18.09.22

Morning Worship with Mr Mark Robinson - Anger Management