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Morning Covenant Service including Holy Communion. Rev John Hayes. I regret I was unable to include the Video presentation due to copyright issues. CL
Morning Worship at KMC Victoria. The Feast of the Holy Innocents. Ms Liz Amis.
A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols for Christian Aid.
Morning Worship for the 4th Sunday in Advent. Mary's Story. Rev John Carne.
Morning Worship with Holy Communion for the 3rd Sunday in Advent. Abigail's Story. Rev John Hayes.
Morning worship for the 2nd Sunday in Advent. Huldah's Story. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship for the 1st Sunday in Advent. Joy to the World! Mrs Irene Hayes.
Celebrating the Mission of Keynsham Methodist Church. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship for Remembrance Day. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at Queens Road. What is most important in your life? Mr Rupert Kaye.
Morning Worship at KMC Victoria. I've heard but now I see. Mrs Kathy Dymond.
Morning Worship at KMC Queens Road Centre with Holy Communion. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at KMC Victoria Centre. Rev Ian Souter.
Morning Worship at KMC Queens Road Centre. Rev David Musgrave.
Morning Worship at KMC Victoria Centre. Inspiration from the story of Esther. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at Queens Road Centre. Sharing our Harvest. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at KMC Victoria. Speech and Wisdom. Rev Jan Tate.
Morning Worship from KMC Queens Road Centre. Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love. Rev Philip Simpkins.
Morning Worship with Holy Communion. Appreciating God's Creation. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship celebrating the contributions of our Church Community.
Morning Worship at Victoria. Rearranging the dust. Mr Mike Evans.
Morning Worship at Queens Road. The Bread of Heaven. Rev John Hayes.
Morning worship with Holy Communion. Loaves and Fishes. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at KMC Queens Road. Meditation. Rev Josette Crane.
Morning Worship at Victoria Centre. Rev John Hayes.
Community Celebration Songs of Praise Service. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at Queens Road. Dealing with failure. Rev Jan Tate.
Final Week of Bible Month. Genesis All must be well. Mr Michael Lowe.
Bible Month week 3. Jacob - Blessing and Struggle. Rev John Hayes.
Bible Month and Fathers Day. The Blessings of God. Rev. John Hayes.
Bible Month and MHA Sunday. Mrs Irene Hayes.
Bible Month and Cameo Anniversary. Rev John Carne.
Morning Worship for Trinity Sunday. God Loves Us. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship for Pentecost. Dry Bones. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at Queens Road. The Nazareth Manifesto. Rev Ian Souter.
Morning Worship at Victoria. Surprised by God. Mr Mike Honey
Morning Worship at Queens Road. The True Vine. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at Victoria. The Good Shepherd. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship for 14th April 2024. Light. Mrs Irene Hayes.
Morning Worship at Victoria. Making sense of doubt and seeking understanding.. Rev David Musgrave.
Morning Worahip For Easter Day. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship for the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Mr Hilary Nash.
Mothers Day Service on the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Mr David Parker.
KMC Morning Worship for the Third Sunday in Lent. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship for the First Sunday in Lent. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship for the 1st Sunday in Lent. Living under Pressure. Rev John Carne
Worship for Transfiguration Sunday. Justice and Transformation. Mrs Irene Hayes.
God sees your face. Rev John Hayes.
Morning Worship at Victoria. Mrs Margaret West.
Pulpit Swap for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Rev Kevin Durrant.