Keynsham Methodist Church is one church with two centres,
at Queens Road in the heart of the local community
and at Victoria on the High Street, where the church office is also located.
(The church office is usually open Monday - Friday 10am - 12 noon)
Victoria Sanctuary Queens Road Sanctuary
- We worship on Sundays and weekdays each month alternating
between our two centres and you would be very welcome to join us. - There is a wide range of weekday activities for all ages at both centres,
run by church, community and uniformed groups. - Victoria Centre is open to the community 3 mornings a week for coffee and chat,
with a short service on Thursdays at 11:00am. - Queens Road is open every Friday in term-time for breakfast
and has Messy Church once a month. - We are an Eco congregation and a FairTrade church and we have an active Eco group.
- We are part of Churches Together in Keynsham and Saltford.